Don’t let those on the Left take away your freedom.
2020 Unmasked book has five hilarious, family-friendly stories about the fiasco of this election and what’s really at stake. If your heart beats Republican red, then let the truth ring out and enjoy this book for years to come.

If You Give the Dems Your Rifles
If you give the Dems an inch, they’ll take a mile. The second amendment is here to protect us from tyranny. This tale reminds us of the slippery slope of what happens when they come for our guns. So what are they really taking?

The Little Orange Engine that Made America Great Again
The amount of mud that has been slung at President Trump is unprecedented. But the truth is Trump has done a lot of good the past four years. In a time where no one wants to help, The Little Orange Engine is working hard to Make America Great Again!

'Twas the Night After Election
An election smeared in untruth and fraud. Mail-in votes coming from every dead voter. When we awake from this election, what we will find? Don’t trust the government to deliver the truth this time.

The Three Small Business Owners
Rioting. Looting. Destruction. We all have the right to protest, but not like this. When the Big Bad Blue comes huffing and puffing to raid your business, what can you do to defend yourself?

The Little Red Entrepreneur
The American dream—taking a business idea and growing it to a success. And only to have the socialist liberals take all your hard work in taxes. This story warns us about what happens when big government gets bigger…